Dr. Jo Caribbean Chiropractic in Madison AL

Meet Joannys Lorenzo!

Dr. Jo is a dedicated, bilingual healthcare professional from Puerto Rico with a strong background in chiropractic care and sports rehabilitation. With a relentless passion for helping people and a drive to make a positive impact on the lives of others, Dr. Jo has become a respected figure in the field.

Dr. Jo began her academic journey by obtaining a Bachelor's in Science of Athletic Training from the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce. This foundation provided her with a comprehensive understanding of the human body and its intricate mechanics, particularly in the context of athletic performance and injury prevention.

Continuing her pursuit of knowledge, Dr. Jo pursued a Master's degree in Sports and Rehabilitation from Logan University in St. Louis, MO. This advanced degree further honed her expertise in working with athletes and individuals engaged in physical activities. The program equipped her with specialized skills in addressing sports-related injuries, rehabilitation techniques, and enhancing overall athletic performance. Driven by an unwavering commitment to excellence, Dr. Jo pursued a Doctorate in Chiropractic, also from Logan University.

This prestigious degree expanded her scope of practice, enabling her to diagnose, treat, and prevent a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions using holistic and non-invasive approaches.

Dr. Jo's dedication to the field and her patients is evident in her specialization in treating active individuals. Whether it's a professional athlete or someone passionate about staying fit or just improving overall health, she has the expertise to provide tailored care that promotes healing, enhances mobility, optimizes performance, and restores quality of life, allowing patients to enjoy activities they love pain-free.

Beyond professional achievements, Dr. Jo is known for her love of her homeland, Puerto Rico, which can be seen expressed in the clinic's design. Dr. Jo enjoys outdoor activities, spending time with her fiance' and their six dogs, and trying international foods! This zest for life, culture, and connection with nature resonate with her holistic approach to healthcare, recognizing the importance of physical and mental well-being. This genuine passion also extends to her commitment to helping everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or culture. The goal has been and always will be to make a substantial difference in the lives of those she serves!